sharing stories

Praise for An Anthology of Canadian Birth Stories
Author’s Note
Foreword by Michael C. Klein
Introduction by Laura Pascoe and Josée Leduc
The Doula Support Foundation: A Short Story of our Birth by Laura Pascoe
Birth of the Tiger by Ashley Lightfoot
A Blazing Birth by Mandee MacDonald
Cutting Ties and Letting Go by Lori Sebastianutti
A Healing Birth by Karen Price
Luna Rising by Mercedes Papalia
Riding a Tsunami by Janelle Conor
It all Makes Sense Now by Camille Ramsberger
Worth It by Angela Douglas
Birth Plan by Brittany Oliver
Delivered by Christine Folan
She Who Brings Forth the Blossoms by Leah Timmerman
Our Rainbow by Dana MacDonald
Reclaiming My Birth Story by Danielle BoByk
Believing in Your Body by Jenna Kovacic
Mother Knows Best by Julie Meier
A Full Moon Eclipse Birth by Kristin Nuttall
Through the Doula’s Eyes: A Photo Story by Jessica Cheyne
Just Like Hollywood by Alison Ryder
A Dramatic Debut by Sara Wettlaufer
Surprise! by Sheena McDonald
Wednesday’s Child by Sara Wood-Gates
Labour, Delivery, and a Grateful Grandmother by Sharon Chisvin
The Dark Road to Life by Mica Pants
The Middle Child by Gretchen Huntley
Oliver's Birth by Anne-Marie Laplante
In Gratitude by Scarlete Flores-Singh
A Doula Letter by Rebecca Young
My Mom Job Journey by Bonnie Jean-Louis
Curbside Delivery by Sabrina Malach
After Hours by Jennifer Osmond
At Light Speed by Lisa Brenner
Miles to Journey Through by Aly Guildford
What is a Doula and How They Help Me by Laura Pascoe
Choosing a Healthcare Provider and the Birth Setting by Josée Leduc and Laura Pascoe
Indigenous Birthing and Canada’s Birth Evacuation Policy by Karen Lawford
Birthing as a Racialized Person: What Everyone Should Know by Chandra Martini
Perinatal Care and Human Rights by Lauren Miller
Supporting Success: How Birthing Practices May Affect Breastfeeding by Dr. Jack Newman and Teresa Pitman
Recipe for a Satisfying Birth by Josée Leduc
International Childbirth Initiative: 12 Steps to Safe and Respectful MotherBaby-Family Maternity Care
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